Table of Contents
Introduction: Mastering Negotiation Skills
Dear readers, have you ever been come across with a condition when you must make or convince someone for your work. You may have listened many time that some kidnappers kidnapped someone, and FBI agent interact with them and helped that kidnap person to come out from the deadly situation?
Salesman also used the techniques. When they need to convince to their customers to purchase their product. Sometimes doctors also need to convince their patient about the treatment protocol to be followed to recover faster.
So there are many areas in our daily life where we need to convince someone and it is practically possible in every situation. To convince someone is called negotiation & negotiation is a skill which is very important to learn. Good news is that it is a learnable skill.
So in today’s post I am here with selected top 5 books on the negotiation skills which may help you to learn negotiation skills?
Getting to Yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in
This book was written by Roger Fisher & William Ury. In this book will help you to focus on the interest of both the parties. Because sometimes what we think that negotiation is a rigid position and we do not want to lose our position, we just want to convince the other on our talk. So, getting to yes book help you to focus on those interest which are shared by each other where win-win situation is primarily focused. So, in this book you will also learn that how to separate the people from the problems and how to invent the new options and find solutions to benefit everyone & to convince the other.
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It
This book is written by Chris Voss & Tahl Raz. I have read this book. I consider it as a very deep book because it is having a practical advice from a former FBI hostage negotiator and full of his real-life examples. So, Chris Voss unveils that how and what are the tactics was used by him in the high-pressure situations.
And this book will help you to master the techniques like Mirroring, Calibrated Questions and Tactical Empathy. So, to get the best deals even in the tough negotiations. In the first couple of pages, I came to learn that when someone gives you hostage situation then how you can bounce back that question to him, So that person comes on the backfoot & look for a defence.
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High
This book is co-authored by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, et al.
Crucial Conversation is a book which is help helping you to navigate in the difficult conversations & how to keep you cool and some tools designed to overcome that situation. How you can define, send foster meaningful dialogues. With this book you will also learn that how to break into the safety zone and how you can manage the emotions and what are the actionable agreements which you can create even when the stakes are high.
Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond
Negotiation Genius is a book co-authored by Deepak Malhotra & Max Bazerman, which makes you learn the approaches to negotiate strategically. This is a book which is backed by some research. So, you can discover the framework for the preparation, you can identify leverage points and you also get help in the managing the emotions to achieve the maximum outcomes. From this book you will also learn that. How you can consider the ethics and how to create a value through package deals.
Women Don`t Ask – Negotiation and the Gender Divide
If you have tired of watching men get ahead while women fall behind? “Women Don’t Ask” reveals the hidden reason: women often hesitate to negotiate. This groundbreaking book equips you with the tools and confidence to ask for what you deserve, be it at work, home, or anywhere in between. Stop settling and unlock your full potential.
So, this is a book which bridge the gender gap in negotiations and with the specific strategies for women. This book will help you to overcome self-doubts and create the effective ask and how to counter the gender.
So, these are the 5 books where this will help you to get learn lot of negotiation skills like Bargaining with a salesperson for a better price on a purchase, negotiating with your co-workers on the deadline for a project, finding a compromise with your partner about splitting household chores, convincing your child to try a new food by offering a reward in return or resolving a dispute with a neighbour about noise or property boundaries.
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